You probably already hate the words "troubled teenager". What does that mean anyway?

Well, for you it probably means lots of arguing with your teenager or young adult, plenty of sleepless nights, and a slow withdrawal from the life you used to know and love. You don't have the time or the energy for your other children, or your partner. You may feel irritable, or hopeless.

Worst of all, none of your friends or family can possibly understand what you are going through. And it's really too embarrassing to talk about anyway. Since it's pretty hard to talk to your friends and family without mentioning your kids, you just stop talking to them all together.

Having a kid who is getting into trouble at school or with the law, who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who is suffering from a serious mental illness can be extremely isolating. It feels shameful.

You wonder, "What did I do wrong?" and "Am I a bad parent?" You're afraid to know the answer.

You are not alone.

Because it can feel so embarrassing to have a kid who is struggling like this, parents withdraw from their support system. If only they could find other parents in the same situation to talk about what's going on!

My group for Parents of Difficult Teenagers and Young Adults (Hey, let's call it like it is!) is a place where parents are safe to tell their stories. There is no judgment, only understanding. We talk about what's going on in your life, and you learn skills to help you manage this complicated relationship.

You don't have to feel frustrated and exhausted all the time. Even if your teenager or young adult child continues to struggle for some time to come, you can learn to:

– Find some peace of mind, even some joy!

– Make sure your child knows you love them unconditionally and are ready and able to support them in any healthy behavior.

– Have a loving relationship with your child, even if they continue to struggle.

– Rebuild your relationship with your partner

– Have time and energy for your other children

– Be a wonderful role model for all your children. You can teach them how to manage very difficult life experiences with grace and honor. In the end, isn't this one of the best gifts you can give them as a parent?

You are not a bad parent.

You are just frustrated, exhausted, and you need the help of someone who has the understanding and the training to help you navigate this challenging situation.

You can use the form below to contact me about individual counseling or about joining one of my parent groups, or call me directly at 323-999-1537.

I offer free consultations both on the phone and in my office- there's no commitment, we will discuss your specific situation and how therapy can help you.